224 Homes were sold on 2013 in Pacoima Real Estate,
hundred and fifty nine were standard sales, nineteen bank owned
/reo, seven homes sold as probate, thirty eight as short sales / auction /
notice of default sales and the rest were other types of sales
Minimum Listing Price $79,000 - Sales Price $70,000, 1 bedrooms, 1 bath, 400 sq ft
Maximum Listing Price $427,777 - Sales Price $430,000, 5
bedrooms, 2 bath, 2659 sq ft, 60 days
on market.
Average Listing Price $282,231 - Sales Price $284,126, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 bath, 1313 sq ft and 42 days on market
109 of the sales were in the price range of 200K to 300K
Average Listing Price $282,231 - Sales Price $284,126, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 bath, 1313 sq ft and 42 days on market
109 of the sales were in the price range of 200K to 300K
Condos and Townhouses Sold
Minimum Sales Price $75,000 - Sold $75,000, Bedrooms, 1 Bath, 565 sq ft and one day on market
Maximum Sales Price $379,900 - Sold $374,900, 5 Bedrooms, 5 Bath, 2026 sq ft, built on 2013 and 418 days on market
Average Sales Price $175,110 - Sold $178,810, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, 1167 sq ft, and 49 days on market
The majority of sales 60 were on the price range between $100,000 to $200,000
Click on the link below to access homes for sale
Click on the link below to access homes for sale