46 Homes were sold in Burbank on November 2013
Minimum listing price $329,000 and Sales price $349,000, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and 680 sqft,
Maximum listing price $1,299,000 and Sales price $1,280,000 with 5 bedrooms and 5 bath and 4200 sqft, and 159 days on the market.
Average listing price $641,067 and Sales price of $632,262 with 3 bedrooms and 2 bath and 1671 sqft and lasted 45 days on the market.
From all those forty six homes sold in Bubank, four of those were homes on probate, one bank owned home, two homes on short sale and 39 were standard sales aka equity sales
Click the link below to preview the units sold
Alberto Pacheco
818 481 9211
Minimum listing price $329,000 and Sales price $349,000, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and 680 sqft,
Maximum listing price $1,299,000 and Sales price $1,280,000 with 5 bedrooms and 5 bath and 4200 sqft, and 159 days on the market.
Average listing price $641,067 and Sales price of $632,262 with 3 bedrooms and 2 bath and 1671 sqft and lasted 45 days on the market.
From all those forty six homes sold in Bubank, four of those were homes on probate, one bank owned home, two homes on short sale and 39 were standard sales aka equity sales
Click the link below to preview the units sold
Alberto Pacheco
818 481 9211